Exceptionally talented fractional CIOs deliver complex IT transformation programs and $ multi-million savings…

For 1/3rd the cost of a full-time executive…

F500 caliber CIO talent

Zero recruitment fees

Immediate start

Low risk engagement

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Our executives are industry veterans serving medium to enterprise sized companies like:
TAG CXO executives are fully qualified to steer your company's tech projects with strategy and efficiency.

You need a C-level tech executive. But not full-time.

Many technology "partners" try to sell you what they have, not what you need.

You've been burned one too many times lending your trust too easily to a promise-maker not a promise-keeper.

You're so busy playing the role of tech leader that you can't even focus on your primary job. But you feel pressure to deliver. Something's got to give but you don't even know where to start. IT can be intimidating and overwhelming to a non-tech executive.

A TAG CXO executive joins your team part-time to fill your technology exec vacancy.

With decades of senior leadership experience, we're well-equipped to accept accountability and drive business results on your behalf.

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"TAG fills the critical technology leadership gap." -- Paul Theisen, founder

TAG CXO executives align IT with your vision


Bring in the optimal IT staff for the same or less than hiring one C-level IT executive.

Fully Scalable

As your needs change, scale up/down your resources and support from TAG CXO.

Immediate Results

Hit the ground running with proven approaches even if you've lost a key staff member or are managing a transition.

On-Demand Expertise

Although you only hire one TAG CXO executive, you benefit from the knowledge and expertise of the entire team.

Hiring one full-time executive costs more than hiring three fractional executives

Let us handle your:

Project Management

Optimize your project portfolio management and deliver relevant insights and metrics to support better business decisions.


Mitigate risks of cybersecurity attacks with comprehensive security plan that anticipates, analyzes, and adjusts to the everchanging threat and governance landscape.

Business Intelligence & Analytics

Combine data mining, performance benchmarks, and more to make smarter data-driven decisions, reduce inefficiencies, and adapt to economic or market shifts.

Business Systems

Optimize vendor relationships, and manage the critical infrastructure that runs your business.

IT Operations

Manage your technology infrastructure and staff to eliminate issues while lowering risk.

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Some examples of our World Class CIO talent...

Ed Escobedo

Fractional Executive CIO/CISO/CRO

  • Successfully led the integration of two $90M online learning subsidiaries into a $350M organization
  • Transformed 1200 person technology business realizing $18M in annualized savings​
  • Led the successful shut down of 700 person global IT services division​
  • Transformed the performance of global service delivery organization reducing headcount by 16% and improving call center SLA performance from 45% to 80%​
  • Improved performance of F100 Fintech organization across risk, compliance, exam management, controls lifecycle management and risk portfolio management processes​

Steve Phillips​

Fractional Executive CIO/CISO/CRO​

  • Reduced IT expense by $20M while simultaneously reducing system downtime by 50 percent​
  • Deployed AI (Artificial Intelligence), RPA (Robotic Process Automation) and chatbot technology to optimize operational and financial performance, which enabled $125M of new digital revenue.​
  • Set and delivered technology integration strategies for more than 50 acquisitions​
  • Has successfully mentored multiple senior IT leaders into CIO/exec board roles.​
  • Developed and delivered digital platforms that support new go-to-market business models such as e-commerce, services delivery and reverse logistics​

Lisa Baldwin​

Fractional Executive CIO​

  • Received "Top CIOs" National Diversity & Leadership Award 2020​
  • Led a multi-year technology transformation for Tiffany.com including move to micro services/API, SaaS packages and cloud first approach​
  • Rebuilt an information security team focusing on protection of sensitive data and early detection and response​
  • Developed multi-year global IT strategy and financial plan focused on omni enablement and support of a global enterprise.​
  • Conducted a proof of concept with Google Lens for Tiffany and Co. retail store.​

Bryan Kearney​

Fractional Executive CIO​

  • Led transformation of professional technology team with 523 FTEs and responsibility for $89M annual operating budget and $126M annual capital ​
  • Initiated e-commerce program for major direct marketing company enabling creating of brand new customer engagement channel and significant reduction in call and wait time to call​
  • Transformed disjointed group of project managers into a formal, highly structured and highly efficient project management office​
  • Led multiple utility based companies through NERC CIP compliance programs, cyber security overhauls, audit preparation and audits​
  • Oversaw design, engineering, construction, and commissioning of two major tier IV data centers operating the largest wholesale electricity market in the world​
Let us match you with the perfect CIO from our exceptional talent pool ​
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Transform your IT today

Step 1
30-min Discovery Call

We'll get to know you, your company, and the situation, and clarify expectations to point you in the right direction.

Step 2
Executive Select & Scope

We'll hand-select executives for you to interview, ensure a mutual fit, and work with both parties to define a scope.

Step 3
Get Started

After a kick-off call, your executive will begin a 360 assessment of your IT and steer your tech for long-term success.

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